Kim Voss & Tyler Leeds This course begins from two premises: that good writing is good thinking, and that social… Continue reading SOCIOL 190 | From Berkeley to the Public: The Art of Writing about Contentious Politics

Course Term: 2023 Fall
FILM 193 | Intermediate Film Writing
Alex Creighton Moving-image media are compelling sites of cultural work. Writing about motion pictures poses peculiar challenges – and offers… Continue reading FILM 193 | Intermediate Film Writing
EALC 125 | Writing the Limits of Empathy
Alan Tansman How far can we go into the minds and bodies of others? How strongly can we sense their… Continue reading EALC 125 | Writing the Limits of Empathy
HISTART 192G | Writing About Berkeley’s Built Environment: Two Residential Neighborhoods
Margaretta Lovell Students in this seminar investigate Berkeley’s residential history with case studies of two distinct neighborhoods, one in the… Continue reading HISTART 192G | Writing About Berkeley’s Built Environment: Two Residential Neighborhoods
GEOG 129 | Ocean Worlds
Sharad Chari This course explores oceanic connections, movements, livelihoods, developments and imaginations in the modern world. We read the oceanic… Continue reading GEOG 129 | Ocean Worlds