Michael Lewis is the author of numerous New York Times bestselling books, including The Fifth Risk, The Undoing Project, Flash Boys, The Big Short, The Blind Side, and Moneyball. Known for his serious and well-written investigative reporting, Lewis writes regularly for Vanity Fair, and his articles have appeared in the New York Times Magazine, the New Yorker, the New Republic, Slate, Sports Illustrated, and Foreign Affairs.
Lewis engages in conversation with Ramona Naddaff, associate professor of Rhetoric and director of the Art of Writing program at the Townsend Center, about his career as a writer, his writing practices, and the genesis of past, present, and future works. Students in Rhetoric 189, an Art of Writing course taught by Professor Naddaff, will participate in the interview.
Rhetoric 189 and this event are supported by a gift from Ellis Jones (BA Rhetoric ’76).